
To return or cause to return to the normal, particularly without suppuration, said of a phlegmon or other form of inflammation. [L. resolvo, to loosen]

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re·solve ri-'zälv, -'zȯlvalso -'zävor -'zȯv vb, re·solved; re·solv·ing vt
1) to separate (a racemic compound or mixture) into the two components
2) to cause resolution of (as inflammation)
3) to distinguish between or make independently visible adjacent parts of vi
1) to become separated into component parts also to become reduced by dissolving or analysis
2) to undergo resolution used esp. of disease or inflammation
re·solv·able -'zäl-və-bəl, -'zȯl-also -'zäv-ə-or -'zȯv-ə- adj

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re·solve (re-zolvґ) [L. resolvere] 1. to restore to the normal state after some pathologic process. 2. to separate a thing into its component parts.

Medical dictionary. 2011.