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A disturbance of speech due to emotional stress, to brain injury, or to paralysis, incoordination, or spasticity of the muscles used for speaking. SYN: dysarthrosis (1). [dys- + G. arthroo, to articulate]
- ataxic d. d. caused by cerebellar lesions.
- hypokinetic d. d. caused by the rigid types of extrapyramidal disease.
- lower motor neuron d. d. caused by dysfunction of the motor nuclei and the lower pons or medulla, or other neural connections, central and peripheral to the muscles of articulation.
- rigid d. SYN: spastic d..
- spastic d. d. caused by lesions along the corticobulbar tracts. SYN: rigid d..
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dys·ar·thria dis-'är-thrē-ə n difficulty in articulating words due to disease of the central nervous system compare DYSPHASIA
dys·ar·thric -thrik adj
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a speech disorder in which the pronunciation is unclear although the language content and meaning are normal.
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dys·ar·thria (dis-ahrґthre-ə) [dys- + arthr-2 + -ia] a speech disorder consisting of imperfect articulation due to loss of muscular control after damage to the central or peripheral nervous system. Cf. anarthria and aphasia. dysarthric adjMedical dictionary. 2011.