
1. SYN: hypertonic (1). 2. Relating to spasm or to spasticity. [L. spasticus, fr. G. spastikos, drawing in]

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spas·tic 'spas-tik adj
1) of, relating to, or characterized by spasm
2) affected with or marked by spasticity or spastic paralysis <a \spastic patient> <\spastic hemiplegia>
spas·ti·cal·ly -ti-k(ə-)lē adv
spastic n an individual affected with spastic paralysis

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spas·tic (spasґtik) [Gr. spastikos] 1. of the nature of or characterized by spasms. 2. hypertonic, so that the muscles are stiff and the movements awkward; see cerebral palsy, under palsy, and spastic paraplegia, under paraplegia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.