1. A small spherical body of any kind. 2. A fat droplet in milk. SYN: globulus. [L. globulus, dim. of globus, a ball]
- dentin g. calcospherites formed by calcification or mineralization of the dentin occurring in globular areas.
- Morgagni globules vesicles beneath the capsule and between lens fibers in early cataract. SYN: Morgagni spheres.
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glob·ule 'gläb-(.)yü(ə)l n a small globular body or mass (as a drop of water or a bead of sweat) <\globules of fat> specif a small spherical pill of compressed sugar usu. saturated with an alcoholic tincture and used in homeopathy
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glob·ule (globґūl) [L. globulus] 1. a small spherical mass or body. 2. a small spherical drop of fluid or semifluid substance, e.g., a fat droplet in milk or a drop of water. 3. a little globe or pellet, as of medicine.Medical dictionary. 2011.