
A shutting out; disconnection from the main portion. [L. ex- cludo, pp. -clusus, to shut out]
- allelic e. in each cell of an individual heterozygous at an autosomal locus, the non-preferential suppression of the phenotypic manifestation of one or other of the alleles; the phenotype of the body is thus mosaic. Cf.:lyonization.
- e. of pupil SYN: seclusion of pupil.

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ex·clu·sion iks-'klü-zhən n surgical separation of part of an organ from the rest without excision
ex·clude iks-'klüd vt, ex·clud·ed; ex·clud·ing

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ex·clu·sion (eks-klooґzhən) [L. exclusio, from ex out + claudere to shut] 1. elimination, rejection, or extrusion. 2. an operation in which a portion of an organ is separated from the remainder but is not removed from the body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.