
The display or disclosure of characteristic signs or symptoms of an illness. [L. manifestus, caught in the act]
- behavioral m. a m. characterized by defects in personality structure and attendant behavior with minimal anxiety and little or no sense of distress, indicative of a psychiatric disorder; occasionally encephalitis or head injury will produce the clinical picture which is properly diagnosed as chronic brain disorder with behavioral manifestations.
- neurotic m. a m. characterized by such defenses as conversion, dissociation, displacement, phobia formation, or repetitive thoughts and acts being utilized to handle anxiety; in contrast to psychotic manifestations, gross distortion or falsification of reality is not exhibited, and gross disintegration of the personality is not usually observed.
- psychophysiologic m. a m. characterized by the visceral expression of affect, the symptoms due to a chronic and exaggerated state of the physiologic expression of emotion with the feeling repressed; such manifestations are commonly characteristic of psychosomatic disorders.
- psychotic m. a m. characterized by thoughts, feelings, and behavior evidencing a varying degree of personality disintegration and distortion or falsification of reality in various spheres; persons exhibiting such a m. fail in effective relationships to other people or to their work.

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man·i·fes·ta·tion .man-ə-fə-'stā-shən, -.fes- n a perceptible, outward, or visible expression (as of a disease or abnormal condition) <the \manifestations of shock>

Medical dictionary. 2011.