Longitudinal division of the muscular layer down to the submucosa of the lowest part of the esophageal wall; some muscle fibers of the cardia may also be divided. SYN: cardiomyotomy, esophagogastromyotomy. [esophagus + G. mys, muscle, + tome, incision]
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esoph·a·go·my·ot·o·my or chiefly Brit oe·soph·a·go·my·ot·o·my -mī-'ät-ə-mē n, pl -mies incision through the musculature of the esophagus and esp. the distal part (as for the relief of esophageal achalasia)
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esoph·a·go·my·ot·o·my (ə-sof″ə-go-mi-otґə-me) [esophago- + myotomy] incision through the muscular coat of the esophagus, usually in the distal part of the esophagus.Medical dictionary. 2011.