The area of the stomach close to the esophageal opening (cardiac orifice or c.) that contains the cardiac glands. SYN: pars cardiaca gastricae [TA], cardiac part of stomach, cardial part of stomach, gastric c., pars cardiaca ventriculi. [G. kardia, heart]
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Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults [study]
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1) the opening of the esophagus into the stomach
2) the part of the stomach adjoining the cardia
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2. the heart.
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car·dia (kahrґde-ə) [Gr. kardia heart] [TA] the part of the stomach immediately adjacent to and surrounding the cardiac opening where the esophagus connects to the stomach; it contains the cardiac glands, and does not have any parietal cells or chief cells. Called also pars cardiaca gastrica [TA alternative] and cardiac part of stomach.Medical dictionary. 2011.