
Defective rhythm.rhythm. Cf.:arrhythmia. [dys- + G. rhythmos, rhythm]
- cardiac d. any abnormality in the rate, regularity, or sequence of cardiac activation.
- electroencephalographic d. a diffusely irregular brain wave tracing.
- esophageal d. abnormal motility of the muscular layers of the esophageal wall, such as occurs in esophageal spasm.
- paroxysmal cerebral d. a diffusely abnormal electroencephalogram often seen with epilepsy.

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dys·rhyth·mia dis-'rith-mē-ə n
1) an abnormal rhythm esp a disordered rhythm exhibited in a record of electrical activity of the brain or heart
dys·rhyth·mic -mik adj

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dys·rhyth·mia (dis-rithґme-ə) [dys- + rhythm + -ia] disturbance of rhythm; in describing abnormal cardiac rhythms, the term arrhythmia is usually used, even for abnormal but regular heart rhythms (see subentries under arrhythmia).

Medical dictionary. 2011.