
1. Any graphic display of electrical or mechanical cardiovascular events, e.g., electrocardiogram, phlebogram. SEE ALSO: curve. 2. In dentistry, a line or lines, scribed on a table or plate by a pointed instrument, representing a record of movements of the mandible; may be extraoral (made outside the oral cavity) or intraoral (made within the oral cavity).
- arrow point t. SYN: needle point t..
- cephalometric t. an overlay drawing or t. of the teeth, facial bones, and anthropometric landmarks made directly from a cephalometric radiograph and used as a basis for cephalometric analysis.
- Gothic arch t. SYN: needle point t..
- needle point t. a t. of mandibular movements made by means of a device attached to the opposing arches; its shape resembles that of an arrowhead or a Gothic arch, and when the instrument's marking point is at the apex of the arch, the jaws are considered to be in centric relation. SYN: arrow point t., Gothic arch t., Gothic arch, stylus t..
- stylus t. SYN: needle point t..

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trac·ing 'trā-siŋ n a graphic record made by an instrument (as an electrocardiograph) that registers some movement

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trac·ing (trāsґing) 1. a record of movements of the mandible produced by a tracer; the shape of the tracing depends on the relative location of the marking point and the tracing plate, and the apex of a properly made tracing is considered to indicate the most retruded unstrained position of the mandible in relation to the maxilla (centric jaw relation). 2. cephalometric t.

Medical dictionary. 2011.