
An instrument for measuring the degree of muscular power. SYN: ergometer. [dynamo- + G. metron, measure]

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dy·na·mom·e·ter .dī-nə-'mäm-ət-ər n an instrument for measuring the force of muscular contraction esp. of the hand
dy·na·mo·met·ric -nə-mō-'me-trik adj

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a device for recording the force of a muscular contraction. A small hand-held dynamometer may be used to record the strength of a patient's grip. A special optical dynamometer measures the action of the muscles controlling the shape of the lens of the eye.

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dy·na·mom·e·ter (di″nə-momґə-tər) [dynamo- + -meter] an instrument for measuring the force of muscular contraction.

Medical dictionary. 2011.