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- c. cystica c. glandularis with the formation of cysts.
- emphysematous c. inflammation of the bladder wall caused by gas-forming bacteria, usually secondary to diabetes mellitus.
- eosinophilic c. bladder inflammation with many eosinophils in urinary sediment as well as bladder wall.
- hemorrhagic c. bladder inflammation with macroscopic hematuria. Generally the result of a chemical or other traumatic insult to the bladder (chemotherapy, radiation therapy).
- incrusted c. bladder inflammation with deposition of inorganic minerals on luminal wall. There generally is evidence of chronic inflammation.
- interstitial c. a chronic inflammatory condition of unknown etiology involving the epithelium and muscularis of the bladder, resulting in reduced bladder capacity, pain relieved by voiding, and severe bladder irritative symptoms. SEE ALSO: Hunner ulcer.
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cys·tit·ic (')sis-'tit-ik adj
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inflammation of the urinary bladder, often caused by infection (most commonly by the bacterium Escherichia coli). It is usually accompanied by the desire to pass urine frequently, with a degree of burning. More severe attacks are often associated with the painful passage of blood in the urine, which is accompanied by a cramplike pain in the lower abdomen persisting after the bladder has been emptied. An acute attack is treated by antibiotic administration and a copious fluid intake. See also interstitial cystitis.
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cys·ti·tis (sis-tiґtis) pl. cystiґtides. inflammation of the urinary bladder; called also urocystitis.Medical dictionary. 2011.