
Hernia of the bladder usually into the vagina and introitus. SYN: vesicocele. [cysto- + G. kele, hernia]

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cys·to·cele 'sis-tə-.sēl n hernia of a bladder and esp. the urinary bladder: vesical hernia

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prolapse of the base of the bladder in women. It is usually due to weakness of the pelvic floor after childbirth and causes bulging of the anterior wall of the vagina on straining. When accompanied by stress incontinence of urine, surgical repair (anterior colporrhaphy) is indicated.

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cys·to·cele (sisґto-sēl) [cysto- + cele1] hernial protrusion of the urinary bladder, usually through the vaginal wall. Called also vesicocele.

Medical dictionary. 2011.