
1. The central mass of necrotic tissue in a boil. 2. A metal casting, usually with a post in the canal of a tooth root, designed to retain an artificial crown. 3. A sectional record, usually of plaster of Paris or one of its derivatives, of the relationships of parts, such as teeth, metallic restorations, or copings. [L. cor, heart]
- atomic c. the nucleus plus the nonvalence electrons.
- central transactional c. the reticular activating system of the brain.
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Center for Organ Recovery and Education; Collaborative Organization for RheothRx Evaluation; comprehensive assessment and referral evaluation; concept reference

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core 'kō(ə)r, 'kȯ(ə)r n the central part of a body, mass, or part

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(kor) 1. the central part of anything. 2. a bar of iron around which a wire is wound to form an induction coil or electromagnet. 3. the central part of a virion, consisting of nucleic acid and sometimes protein. 4. cast c.

Medical dictionary. 2011.