- centrifugal c. c. molten metal into a mold by spinning the metal from a crucible at the end of a revolving arm.
- ceramo-metal c. a c. made of alloys containing or excluding precious metals, to which dental porcelain can be fused.
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cast·ing n
1) the act or process of making casts or impressions or of shaping in a mold
2) something cast in a mold
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cast·ing (kastґing) 1. any object formed by the solidification of plastic material, such as a gypsum product or molten metal, poured into an impression or mold. 2. the act of forming such an object, e.g., the fabrication of a metallic dental restoration or appliance. 3. a metallic dental restoration or appliance fabricated by this process. 4. a metallic dental restoration made to fit a cavity preparation and retained to or luted into it with a cementing medium.Medical dictionary. 2011.