An optic device for determining the color and/or intensity of the color of a liquid. SYN: chromatometer, chromometer.
- Duboscq c. an early apparatus for measuring the depth of tint in a fluid by comparing it with a standard fluid; glass cylinders are immersed in each of two cups, with one containing standard fluid and the other the fluid to be tested; on looking through the cylinders, the tints are equalized by raising or lowering the cylinder in one cup, and the extent of this raising or lowering is indicated on a scale and gives the exact difference in tint.
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col·or·im·e·ter .kəl-ə-'rim-ət-ər n any of various instruments used to objectively determine the color of a solution
col·or·i·met·ric .kəl-ə-rə-'me-trik adj
col·or·i·met·ri·cal·ly -tri-k(ə-)lē adv
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an instrument for determining the concentration of a particular compound in a preparation by comparing the intensity of colour in it with that in a standard preparation of known concentration. The instrument is used particularly for measuring the amount of haemoglobin in the blood.
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col·or·im·e·ter (kul″ər-imґə-tər) [color + -meter] an instrument for measuring the color or color intensity of a solution. Cf. spectrophotometer. Called also chromometer.Medical dictionary. 2011.