
A genus of fungi found in the soil of the semi-arid areas of the Southwestern U.S. and smaller areas throughout Central and South America, but has not been found elsewhere. The only pathogenic species, C. immitis, causes coccidioidomycosis. [coccidium + G. eidos, resemblance]

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Coc·cid·i·oi·des -'ȯid-.ēz n a genus of imperfect fungi having a septate mycelium and endospores and including one (C. immitis) causing coccidioidomycosis

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Coc·cid·i·oi·des (kok-sid″e-oiґdēz) a pathogenic genus of Fungi Imperfecti of the form-class Hyphomycetes, form-family Moniliaceae. In soil it grows as a mycelium with arthrospores; in tissue it grows as a spherule with endospores.

Medical dictionary. 2011.