1. An agent or device used for scarring, burning, or cutting the skin or other tissues by means of heat, cold, electric current, ultrasound, or caustic chemicals. 2. Use of a c.. [G. kauterion, a branding iron]
- actual c. a c., such as electrocautery, acting directly through heat and not by chemical means. SYN: technocausis.
- BICAP c. a form of bipolar electrocoagulation frequently used to arrest gastrointestinal bleeding.
- bipolar c. electrocautery by high frequency electrical current passed through tissue from an active to a passive electrode; used for hemostasis.
- chemical c. SYN: chemocautery.
- cold c. SYN: cryocautery.
- electric c. SYN: electrocautery.
- gas c. c. by means of a measured amount of a lighted gas jet.
- monopolar c. electrocautery by high frequency electrical current passed from a single electrode, where the cauterization occurs, the patient's body serving as a ground.
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1) the act or effect of cauterizing: CAUTERIZATION
2) an agent (as a hot iron or caustic) used to burn, sear, or destroy tissue
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cau·tery (kawґtər-e) [L. cauterium; Gr. kautērion] 1. a caustic substance or hot or cold instrument used in 2. cauterization. cauterization.Medical dictionary. 2011.