
The coagulation (clotting) of tissue using a high-frequency electrical current applied locally with a metal instrument or needle with the aim of stopping bleeding. There is also, for example, laser coagulation and photocoagulation.
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Coagulation produced by an electrocautery.

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elec·tro·co·ag·u·la·tion -kō-.ag-yə-'lā-shən n the surgical coagulation of tissue by diathermy called also diathermocoagulation

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the coagulation of body tissues by means of a high-frequency electric current concentrated at one point as it passes through them. Electrocoagulation, using a diathermy knife, permits bloodless incisions to be made during operation.

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elec·tro·co·ag·u·la·tion (e-lek″tro-ko-ag″u-laґshən) coagulation of tissue usually by means of an electrocautery.

Medical dictionary. 2011.