
The SI unit of luminous intensity, 1 lumen per m2; the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 × 1012 Hz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 W per steradian (solid angle). SYN: candle. [L.]
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computer-assisted notification of drug effects on laboratory animals [test]

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can·de·la kan-'dē-lə, -'del-ə n the base unit of luminous intensity in the International System of Units that is equal to the luminous intensity in a given direction of a source which emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 × 1012 hertz and has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per unit solid angle abbr. cd called also candle

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the SI units of luminous intensity, equal to the intensity in a given direction of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012 Hz and has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian. Symbol: cd.

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can·dela (cd) (kan-delґə) [L. candēla candle] the base SI unit of luminous intensity, equal to the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits a monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 Ч 1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian. Called also candle.

Medical dictionary. 2011.