
Acute inflammation of the walls of the smaller bronchial tubes, with varying amounts of pulmonary consolidation due to spread of the inflammation into peribronchiolar alveoli and the alveolar ducts; may become confluent or may be hemorrhagic. SYN: bronchial pneumonia.
- postoperative b. patchy pneumonia developing in a postoperative patient, usually following surgery to upper abdomen, with restricted diaphragmatic movement due to pain on inspiration, resulting in hypoventilation of the dependent portions of the lungs, with corresponding inadequate movement of secretions, allowing development of infection; likelihood minimized by early postoperative mobilization, deep breathing exercises.
- tuberculous b. an acute form of pulmonary tuberculosis characterized by widespread patchy consolidations.

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bron·cho·pneu·mo·nia .bräŋ-(.)kō-n(y)u̇-'mō-nyə n pneumonia involving many relatively small areas of lung tissue called also bronchial pneumonia, lobular pneumonia
bron·cho·pneu·mon·ic -'män-ik adj

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see pneumonia

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bron·cho·pneu·mo·nia (brong″ko-n-moґnyə) [broncho- + pneumonia] an inflammation of the lungs that begins in the terminal bronchioles, which become clogged with a mucopurulent exudate forming consolidated patches in adjacent lobules. Called also bronchial or lobular pneumonia, capillary bronchitis, and bronchopneumonitis. bronchopneumonic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.