Reduced alveolar ventilation relative to metabolic carbon dioxide production, so that alveolar carbon dioxide pressure increases above normal. SYN: underventilation.
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hy·po·ven·ti·la·tion -.vent-əl-'ā-shən n deficient ventilation of the lungs that results in reduction in the oxygen content or increase in the carbon dioxide content of the blood or both
hy·po·ven·ti·lat·ed -'vent-əl-.āt-əd adj
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breathing at an abnormally shallow and slow rate, which results in an increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. Alveolar hypoventilation may be primary, which is very rare, or secondary, which can be due to destructive lesions of the brain or to an acquired blunting of respiratory drive arising from failure of the respiratory pump.
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hy·po·ven·ti·la·tion (hi″po-ven″tĭ-laґshən) a state in which there is a reduced amount of air entering the pulmonary alveoli (decreased alveolar ventilation; see under ventilation), resulting in increased carbon dioxide tension. Cf. hypopnea and bradypnea.Medical dictionary. 2011.