
I verb anticipate, apprehend, believe, be of the opinion, cerebrate, cogitate, compass, conceive, conclude, consider, contemplate, contrive, deduce, deduct, deem, deliberate, determine, digest, dwell intently upon, envisage, envision, exercise the mind, expect, form ideas, guess, have the idea, hypothesize, ideate, imagine, intellectualize, judge, mean, meditate, mentalize, mull over, opine, philosophize, picture, plan, plot, ponder, presume, presuppose, propose, rationalize, reason, recall, reckon, recollect, reflect, reminisce, ruminate, speculate, surmise, theorize II index deduce, deduct (conclude by reasoning), deem, expect (consider probable), guess, muse, opine, presume, presuppose, rationalize, reason (conclude), reflect (ponder), speculate (conjecture), surmise

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