
I verb analyze, apply the mind, appraise, brood over, cerebrate, cogitate, commune with oneself, concentrate upon, consider, considerare, contemplate, debate, deliberate, devote thought to, digest, evaluate, examine, excogitate, give thought to, intellectualize, introspect, meditate, mull over, muse, occupy the thoughts with, ponderare, premeditate, puzzle over, rack the brains, ratiocinate, rationalize, reason, reflect upon, review, revolve in the mind, ruminate, speculate, study, take account of, take under consideration, theorize, think deeply, think on, turn over in the mind, view from all sides, view with deliberation, weigh, wonder about II index brood, concentrate (pay attention), consider, debate, deliberate, doubt (hesitate), muse, reason (conclude), speculate (conjecture), study, weigh

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006