
I (legal summons) noun authoritative citation to appear, authoritative command, bidding, call, citation, command, commandment, decree, dictate, direction, edict, fiat, invitation, legal notice, mandate, notice to appear, notification, official call, official notice, order, requisition, rescript, subpoena, summons, summons to appearand answer, warrant, writ II (warning) noun admonishment, admonition, advice, alarm, alert, caution, caveat, dehortation, enlightenment, exhortation, forewarning, hint, indication, information, notice, notification, prediction of danger III index admonition, caution (warning), caveat, citation (charge), deterrence, deterrent, dispatch (message), guidance, indication, intelligence (news), notice (warning), notification, symptom, warning

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006