
I (intellect) noun acumen, aptitude, astuteness, brains, brilliance, cleverness, cognition, cognitive faculty, comprehension, genius, insight, intellectional faculty, intellectual power, intellectuality, intellegentia, keenness, mens, mental ability, mental acuteness, mental capacity, mental faculty, mentality, mind, power to reason, quickness of perception, rational faculty, rationality, reach of mind, reason, reasoning faculty, reasoning power, sagacity, sense, understanding, wisdom II (news) noun account, acquired facts, aviso, communication, communique, data, details, dispatch, enlightenment, information, knowledge, known facts, message, monition, notice, nuntius, report, tidings, tip, warning, word III index aptitude, caliber (mental capacity), common sense, competence (ability), discrimination (good judgment), espionage, information (knowledge), intellect, knowledge (awareness), notification, reason (sound judgment), report (detailed account), sagacity, understanding (comprehension)

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