
I adjective absolute, accurate, apertus, beyond doubt, categorical, certain, clear, clearly defined, clearly expressed, clearly formulated, clearly stated, comprehensible, crystal-clear, decided, definite, definitus, determinate, direct, distinct, distinctly expressed, distinctly stated, easy to understand, evident, evincive, exact, explanatory, express, expressed outright, forthright, indisputable, intelligible, lucid, manifest, obvious, open, outspoken, patent, perspicuous, plain, pointed, positive, precise, recognizable, specific, straightforward, strict, sure, to the point, transparent, unambiguous, unconfusing, understandable, undisguised, unequivocal, unmistakable, well-developed associated concepts: explicit notice, explicit power II index absolute (conclusive), accurate, apparent (perceptible), candid, certain (specific), clear (apparent), cognizable, coherent (clear), comprehensible, concrete, demonstrative (illustrative), detailed, direct (forthright), distinct (clear), evident, exact, express, informative, lucid, manifest, naked (perceptible), obvious, ostensible, overt, palpable, pellucid, perceivable, perceptible, positive (incontestable), precise, resounding, salient, scrutable, specific, trenchant, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable

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