
I (expressive of emotion) adjective communicative, effusive, emotional, emotive, excitable, expressive, fanatical, fervent, feverish, fierce, fiery, free in expression, furious, histrionic, maudlin, overflowing, overwrought, passionate, prone to display of feeling, prone to emotional display, talkative, temperamental, unrestrained, vehement, violent, without reserve II (illustrative) adjective affording proof, allegorical, analytical, annotative, characteristic, clarifying, confirmative, confirmatory, confirming, connotative, corroborating, declarative, delineatory, depictive, descriptive, elucidative, enlightening, exegetic, exegetical, explanatory, explicative, explicatory, explicit, expository, expressive, graphic, illuminating, illuminative, informative, informing, interpretative, interpretive, representative, revealing, showing, substantiative, suggesting, suggestive, supportive, telling, typical, verificative, verifying associated concepts: demonstrative bequest, demonstrative evidence, demonstrative gift, demonstrative legacy, demonstrative words III index clear (apparent), declaratory, probative, suggestive (evocative), vehement

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006