
I verb abolish, annihilate, annul, black out, blot out, cause to cease, deal destruction, delete, demolish, deracinate, destroy, destroy thoroughly, displace, dispose of, dissolve, do away with, do away with completely, efface, eject, eliminate, eradere, erase, evellere, excidere, expunge, expurgate, exstirpare, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, extract, lay waste, leave no trace of, leave no vestige of, liquidate, obliterate, purge, remove, remove utterly, stamp out, strike out, subtract, sweep away, unroot, uproot, void, weed out II index abolish, cancel, censor, consume, delete, destroy (efface), excise (cut away), exclude, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, overthrow, purge (purify), quash, reject, relegate, remove (eliminate), supplant

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006