
I (efface) verb abort, annihilate, blast, blight, blot out, break to pieces, bring to ruin, burn, consume, corrode, deal destruction, decimate, deface, demolish, desolate, destruct, destruere, devastate, devour, diruere, disintegrate, dissolve, do away with, eliminate, eradicate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, gut, incinerate, kill, lay waste, level, liquidate, murder, mutilate, obliterate, overthrow, overturn, perdere, pulverize, put to death, quell, ravage, raze, reduce to nothing, rend, root out, rub out, ruin, ruinate, scratch out, slay, subvert, uproot, waste, wipe out, wreck associated concepts: destroy a will, fraudulently destroyed, lost or destroyed II (void) verb abolish, annul, break up, bring to naught, completely end, dismantle, extinguish, invalidate, make null, nullify, put an end to, render ineffective, terminate, unmake associated concepts: destruction of contingent remainders III index abate (extinguish), abolish, abrogate (rescind), annul, break (fracture), consume, countervail, damage, deface, denounce (condemn), devastate, discontinue (abandon), dispatch (put to death), dissolve (terminate), eliminate (eradicate), eradicate, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, kill (defeat), kill (murder), mistreat, negate, obliterate, overcome (surmount), overturn, overwhelm, pillage, pollute, prejudice (injure), prey, quash, refute, slay, spoil (impair), stifle, subvert, upset, vitiate

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