
I (conference) noun assembly, caucus, colloquy, conclave, concursus, congressio, consistory, consultation, convention, conventus, convocation, discussion, encounter, exchange of views, forum, gathering, interchange of views, negotiation, open discussion, panel, parley, plenum, reunion, seminar, session, summit, symposium, synod associated concepts: annual meeting of shareholders, meeting of creditors, organizational meeting, public meeting, regular meeting, special meeting II (encounter) noun appulsion, clash, collision, concours, confrontation, contact, convergence, convergency, engagement, fusion, intersection, joining, junction, juncture, merger, rendezvous, unification, union associated concepts: meeting of minds III index adjacent, assemblage, assembly, caucus, chamber (body), coalition, collection (assembly), collision (accident), company (assemblage), concurrent (united), conference, confrontation (act of setting face to face), congregation, contact (touching), contiguous, interview, parley, rendezvous, session

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006