(authentic) adjective
according to the facts, accurate, actual, as represented, authenticated, certain, correct, creditable, dependable, exact, factual, fidelis, fidus, founded on fact, genuine, honest, legitimate, literal, not false, not faulty, not fictitious, original, precise, pure, real, realistic, reliable, right, rightful, sound, trustworthy, truthful, unadulterated, unaffected, uncolored, undisguised, undisputed, undistorted, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfallacious, unfeigned, unfictitious, unimagined, unimpeachable, unmistaken, unperjured, unpretended, unquestionable, unspurious, unvarnished, valid, veracious, veridical, verifiable, veritable, verus, well-based, well-founded, well-grounded
associated concepts: true bill, true copy, true value, true verdict
(loyal) adjective
ardent, assiduous, compliant, complying, conscientious, constant, dedicated, dependable, devoted, duteous, dutiful, earnest, faithful, fervent, firm in adherence, firm in allegiance, incorruptible, obedient, reliable, resolute, responsible, sincere, stanch, steadfast, steady, sure, tried, truehearted, trustworthy, trusty, unbetraying, unfailing, unfalse, unperfldious, unswerving, untreacherous, unwavering, zealous
absolute (conclusive), accurate, actual, authentic, candid, convincing, credible, de facto, definite, dependable, direct (straight), documentary, factual, faithful (loyal), faithful (true to fact), genuine, honest, incontrovertible, literal, loyal, positive (incontestable), proper, pure, real, reliable, rightful, serious (devoted), solid (sound), sound, staunch, steadfast, sterling, unadulterated, undistorted, unrefutable, unyielding, valid, veridical
Burton's Legal Thesaurus.
William C. Burton.