
I adjective accordant with the facts, according to the facts, accredited, accurate, actual, as represented, attested, authoritative, bona fide, certus, credible, demonstrated, dependable, documented, entitled to acceptance and belief, factual, faithful, founded on fact, from competent sources, from the original data, genuine, genuine in origin, honest, inartificial, legitimate, literal, not apocryphal, not false, not fictitious, not spurious, not tampered with, of the origin reputed, original, positive, pure, real, reliable, solid, sound, true, trusted, trustworthy, unadulterated, uncounterfeited, undisguised, undistorted, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfaked, unfeigned, unfictitious, unplagiarized, unquestionable, unsimulated, unspecious, unspurious, unsynthetic, valid, verifiable, veritable, verus, well-based, well-founded, well-grounded, worthy of belief associated concepts: authentic act, authenticate, forgery, notaries II index accurate, actual, convincing, de facto, definitive, documentary, factual, genuine, honest, literal, natural, original (initial), positive (incontestable), prime (original), real, realistic, reliable, rightful, sterling, undistorted, valid, veridical

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006