
I verb abstain, be patient, be temperate, be tolerant, bear with, break off, cease, decline, delay enforcing rights, deny oneself, desist from, dispense with, do without, endure, forgo, hold back, hold in abeyance, hold off, keep back, keep from, leave off, not proceed with, parcere, put up with, refrain, refrain from action, renounce, restrain, sacrifice, stop, submit, submit without complaint, suffer, supersedere, temperare, tolerate, treat with indulgence, wait, waive, withhold, withhold action associated concepts: forbearance as consideration II index abandon (relinquish), allow (endure), avoid (evade), bear (tolerate), cease, condone, defer (put off), desist, endure (suffer), eschew, forgo, leave (allow to remain), palliate (excuse), pause, refrain, renounce, stop, tolerate, withhold

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006