
ex·cuse 1 /ik-'skyüz/ vb ex·cused, ex·cus·ing
1: to grant exemption or release to
excused the prospective juror
excused the witness after an hour of testimony
2: justify
vi: to serve as an excuse or justification
exigent circumstances may excuse — J. J. White and R. S. Summers
ex·cuse 2 /ik-'skyüs/ n
1: excusal
2 a: a circumstance that allows for release under the law from an obligation, duty, or contractual liability compare act of god, force majeure, fortuitous event, impossibility of performance
b: a circumstance (as a physical threat) that grants immunity for otherwise tortious or criminal conduct compare justification, privilege

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.