1. сущ.
1) упр. должностное лицо, чиновник, инспектор; служащий, сотрудник
assistant officer — помощник должностного лица
customs officer — таможенный инспектор [служащий\]
revenue officer — налоговый инспектор
judicial officer — судебное должностное лицо
election of officers — выборы должностных лиц
law officer — служащий суда
salaried officer — служащий [чиновник\] на окладе
career officer — чиновник по карьерам
public relations officer — должностное лицо по связям с общественностью
officer of reinsurance — инспектор по перестрахованию
officer of global operations — должностное лицо по глобальным операциям
officer for life insurance — инспектор лицо по страхованию жизни
officer for recovery operations — чиновник по восстановительным операциям
company officer — должностное лицо компании
council officers — должностные лица совета
officer of patent office — чиновник патентного ведомства
officers of state agencies — чиновники государственных агентств
officers of the Board — должностные лица правления
officer for community service — должностное лицо муниципальной службы
accountable officer, accounting officer, adjudication officer, administrative officer, affirmative action officer, agreement officer, agricultural officer, appointing officer, associate officer, attendance officer, aviation-safety officer, budget officer, career officer 1), 2), case officer, certification officer, certifying officer, chief officer 1), college admissions officer, commercial officer, community relations officer, company officer 2), contracting officer, corporate officer, council officers, custom house officer, customs officer, customs patrol officer, documentation officer, economic officers, employee-service officer, executive officer 1), extension officer, financial officer, grant officer, health and safety officer, hearing officer, horticultural officer, information officer, judicial officer, knowledge officer, Law Officer, legal officer, lending officer, liaison officers, medical officer 2), &3, ministerial officer, naval officer 2), officer of court, officer of justice, officer of patent office, 2), press officer, probation officer, public administration officer, public health officer, public officer, public relations officer, redistribution-and-marketing officer, registration officer, research officer, retirement officer, returning officer, revenue officer, risk officer, row officers, safety officer, scientific officer, security officer, senior officer, surplus sales officer, tax officer, training officer, truant officer, trust officer, veterinary officer, welfare officer, officer's check
2) воен. офицер, командир
senior officer — старший офицер, офицер высокого ранга
3) общ. офицер, констебль
Officer Clarke will show you where to go, sir. — Офицер Кларк проводит Вас, сэр.
4) мор. капитан
2. гл.
1) воен. обеспечивать, укомплектовывать офицерским составом
The regiment was well officered. — Полк был полностью укомплектован офицерами.
2) воен. выполнять функции командира, осуществлять командование
3) упр. командовать, распоряжаться
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старшее официальное лицо банка, назначенное советом директоров для проведения его операций; обычно начальник департамента или отдела, менеджер или исполнительный сотрудник;
chief executive officer;
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должностное лицо (компании);, сотрудник; служащий (банка)
Англо-русский экономический словарь.