spheroma - statio
- spheroma
- spherometer
- spherophakia
- spherophorous
- spheroplast
- spheroprismatic
- spheroprismatic glasses
- spheroprismatic spectacles
- spherospermia
- spherule
- spherule of centromere
- spherulin
- sphincter
- sphincter dyssynergia
- sphincter of the eye
- sphincter repair
- sphincter rupture
- sphincter stretch
- sphincter tone
- sphincter-preserving operation
- sphincter-saving operation
- sphincteral
- sphincteral achalasia
- sphincteralgia
- sphincterectomy
- sphincteric
- sphincteric incontinence
- sphincterismus
- sphincteritis
- sphincterography
- sphincterolysis
- sphincterometry
- sphincteroplasty
- sphincteroscope
- sphincteroscopy
- sphincterotome
- sphincterotomy
- sphingo
- sphingogalactoside
- sphingoglycolipid