calculation of probabilities - catastrophe layer
- calculation of probabilities
- Can
- can.
- cancel
- cancelable policy
- canceling return only
- cancellation
- cancellation clause
- cancellation of premium
- cancellation writing-off
- cancelled
- cancelling return of insurance premium
- cancelling return only
- capacity to work
- capital adequacy
- capital and interest
- capital assurance
- capital assured
- capital redemption policy
- capital risk
- capitalisation
- captain’s protest
- captive insurance agent
- captive insurance company
- CAR.
- cardholder of record
- carnet
- carr.
- carriage paid
- carrier
- carrier's risk
- carriers liability
- carrier’s risk
- carrying expenses
- cartel
- case estimate
- case reserve
- cash and bonds as a % of net reserves
- cash and invested assets as a % of net reserves
- cash and invested assets as a % of NTR
- 1
- 2