clumping - complementary DNA
- clumping
- clupeins
- cluster of ortologous genes
- clutch
- Cm
- cM
- co-amplification
- co-carcinogenesis
- co-evolution
- co-integrant
- co-orientation
- co-recessive inheritance
- coacervate
- coadaptation
- coadaptive gene complexes
- coat protein
- cobalamin
- Cobalt 60
- coconversion
- code
- code degeneration
- code ratio
- coding (sense) strand
- coding (sense) strand
- coding capacity
- coding sequence
- coding strand
- coding triplet
- coding unit
- codominance
- codominancy
- codominant genes
- codon
- codon family
- codon pair
- coefficient of coincidence
- coefficient of consanguinity
- coefficient of inbreeding