two- - urba
- two-cuts meadow
- two-dimensional paper chromatography
- two-floor setting drainage
- two-floor settling basin
- two-layered
- two-stage
- two-stage aeration
- two-stage biological treatment
- two-stage high-rate biological filter
- two-stage pump
- two-stage treatment
- two-stages disk turbine impeller
- two-way brush
- tychocen
- tychocoen
- tycholimnetic
- tychopelagic
- tychoplankter
- tychoplankton
- tychopotamic
- type of groundwater inflow
- type of human activity
- type of timber-stand
- type science
- type species
- type tree
- type-approval inspection
- typhoon
- typhoon operational experiment
- typic chernozem
- typical chernozem
- typical decay
- Typical podbours
- typical tank rim fire protection
- typiform
- typogenesis
- ubiquist
- ubiquitous pollutant