legu - long
- legume
- legume grasses
- leguminoze grasses
- leison
- leisure zone
- Lemmus sibiricus
- length of wave
- lentic
- lento-capillary point
- leptopel
- leptophos
- less developed country energy alternatives planning system
- lethal
- lethal amount
- lethal concentration
- lethal concentration lc50
- lethal concentration low
- lethal dose
- lethal dose of pesticide
- lethal exposure
- lethal factor
- lethal level
- lethal temperature
- lethal time
- lethal yellowing
- lethality
- lethane-384
- leucopoesis
- leukemia
- leutosan
- leveed land
- level
- level ice
- level indicator
- level of compliance
- level of concentration
- level of environmental pollution
- level of health