afte - alfa
- after fermentation
- after-care of disposal sites
- after-growth
- after-softening
- after-taste removal
- afteraction
- afterburner
- aftercombustion
- aftercooler
- afterculture
- aftereffect of poisons
- afterfermentation
- afterfilter
- afterfiltration
- aftergrowing
- afterharvesting
- afterharvesting residue
- aftermath
- aftermath residues
- afterpurification
- afterpurification of sewage water
- afterregeneration
- aftershock
- aftersoftening
- aftertaste removal
- aftertreatment
- afteruse
- agad
- age class
- age group
- age heaping adjustment
- age of stand
- age plant resistance
- age pyramid
- age range
- age sensitivity
- age-class composition
- age-class system
- age-old forest