calc - cell
- calcareous
- calcareous crust
- calcareous fen
- calcareous horizon
- calcareous slag
- calcareous swamp meadow
- calcareous water
- calcicole
- calcicolous
- calcicolous plant
- calcification
- calcifuge
- calcimeter
- calcination
- calcination of radioactive wastes
- calcipetrile
- calciphil
- calciphilous
- calciphilous plant
- calciphobous
- calciphobous plant
- calciphyte
- calcium hardness
- calcium hypochlorite
- calcivorous
- calcivorous plant
- calculate
- calculated
- calculated felling rate
- calculating
- calendar
- calendar of nature
- calibrated area
- calibrated fluxes
- calibration
- California Advisory Commission on Marine and Coastal Resources
- California Association of Reclamation Entities of Water
- California Conservation Council
- California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation