intersecting - jolting machine
- intersecting
- intersecting series of faults
- intersecting spreads
- intersecting vein
- intersection
- intersection angle
- intersection mis-tie
- intersection mistie
- interseptal ridge
- intersertal
- intersertal texture
- intersolubility
- interspace
- intersperse
- interstade
- interstadiai
- interstadial
- interstall pillar
- interstice
- interstices
- interstices of sands
- interstitial
- interstitial air
- interstitial clay
- interstitial deposits
- interstitial fluid
- interstitial ice
- interstitial material
- interstitial matter
- interstitial openings
- interstitial quartz
- interstitial water
- interstitial' connate water
- interstitial-vacancy pair
- interstratal
- interstratification
- interstratified
- interstratified bed
- interstratified beds
- interstratified rock