rate - rede
- rate
- rate at the close of the day
- rate cutting
- rate discrimination
- rate of accumulation
- rate of capacityies utilization
- rate of capital formation
- rate of change
- rate of consumption
- rate of delivery
- rate of delivery of a program
- rate of depreciation
- rate of discount
- rate of discounting
- rate of dividend on shares
- rate of effective protection
- rate of exchange
- rate of growth
- rate of interest
- rate of investment
- rate of issue
- rate of loading
- rate of pay
- rate of profit
- rate of protection
- rate of replacement
- rate of return
- rate of return on assets(s)s
- rate of return on stock-holders equity
- rate of salary
- rate of saving
- rate of tariff
- rate of turnover
- rate of turnover of inventory
- rate of unemployment
- rate scale
- rate setting
- rate slashing
- rate war
- rate-slashing