Some - St.
- Somerset, Thomas
- Son of God
- Son of Man
- Song, Religious
- Songish Indians
- Sonnius, Franciscus
- Sonora
- Sophene
- Sophie Rostopchine, Comtesse de Segur
- Sophie-Jeanne Soymonof Swetchine
- Sophists
- Sophonias
- Sophonias (Zephaniah)
- Sophronius
- Sora
- Sorbait, Paul de
- Sorbonne
- Sorin, Edward
- Sorrento
- Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast of the Seven
- Soter and Caius, Saints
- Soto, Dominic
- Soul
- Soul, Faculties of the
- South American College in Rome, The
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Southern Kiang-Si
- Southern Solomon Islands
- Southern Victoria Nyanza
- Southerne, Venerable William
- Southwark
- Southwell, Venerable Robert
- Southworth, Saint John
- Sovana and Pitigliano
- Sozomen, Salaminius Hermias
- Sozopolis
- Sozusa
- Space
- Spagni, Andrea