dense panic grass - diploxylic
- dense panic grass
- dense stand
- dense-flowered aster
- dense-flowered joey
- dense-flowered John's-wood
- dense-flowered persicaria
- dense-flowered Saint-John's-wort
- dense-flowering
- densely tufted grasses
- densitometer
- densitometry
- density
- density bottle
- density dependent
- density fractionation
- density gradient
- density independent
- density of canopy
- density of plating
- density of stocking
- density of sward
- density sedimentation
- density tester
- density-dependent factor
- density-dependent selection
- density-gradient centrifugation
- density-independent factor
- dental
- dental bone
- dental bulb
- dental follicle
- dental formula
- dental furrow
- dental sac
- dental tissue
- dental tubules
- Dentaria
- dentate
- dentate antenna
- dentate body