
1. verb /ʹflæbə(r)gɑːst/
To overwhelm with bewilderment; to stun, confound or amaze, especially with ludicrous affect. 

He was flabbergasted to find that his work had been done for him before he began.

Syn: amaze, astound, astonish, astony, awe, baffle, bewilder, bowl over, dazzle, dumbfound, flabagast, floor, nonplus, shock, stagger, startle, stun, stupefy, take aback, unnerve
2. noun /ʹflæbə(r)gɑːst/
a) Overwhelming surprise, confusion or shock.

When I saw my house on fire, the flabbergast overcame me and I just stood and stared, too shocked to comprehend what I was seeing.

b) An awkward person.

His flabbergast was so great he couldnt even come up with a plausible answer.

Syn: astonishment, astoundedness, awe, flabbergastment, shock, stupefaction, surprise, dork, dweeb, geek, flabagast

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