1. noun /ˈrəʊɡ,ˈroʊɡ/
Maintaining varieties also requires selection, however. Its usually referred to as culling or roguing. ...we examine the [plant] population and eliminate the occasional rogue.
2. adjective /ˈrəʊɡ,ˈroʊɡ/
a) Vicious and solitary.
In the minds of Republican hard-liners, the "Silent Majority" of Americans who had elected the President, and even Nixons two Democrat predecessors, China was a gigantic nuke-wielding rogue state prepared to overrun the free world at any moment.
3. verb /ˈrəʊɡ,ˈroʊɡ/
cull, term used by gardeners, especially when saving seed, rogue or unwanted plants are removed before pollination.
Maintaining varieties also requires selection, however. Its usually referred to as culling or roguing. ...we examine the [plant] population and eliminate the occasional rogue.
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