1. noun /ˈpɹɑdʒɛk̚t,ˈpɹəʊʤɛkt,pɹɒʤɛkt,ˈpɻɑʤɛkt,pɹəˈʤɛk̚t,prəˈʤɛkt,pɻəˈʤɛkt/
b) An urban low-income housing building.
2. verb /ˈpɹɑdʒɛk̚t,ˈpɹəʊʤɛkt,pɹɒʤɛkt,ˈpɻɑʤɛkt,pɹəˈʤɛk̚t,prəˈʤɛkt,pɻəˈʤɛkt/
a) To extend beyond a surface.
The CEO is projecting the completion of the acquisition by April 2007.
b) To cast (an image or shadow) upon a surface.
It is difficult to gauge the exact point at which women stop trying to fool men and really begin to deceive themselves, but an objective analyst cannot escape the conclusion (1) that partly from a natural device inherent in the species, women deliberately project upon actual or potential suitors an impression of themselves that is not an accurate picture of their total nature, and (2) that few women ever are privileged to see themselves as they really are.
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